Good Morning!
One of the questions I received early on (via email) was, you seem to be pretty attached to the community in Fort that you are in the Indianapolis area, why aren't you "attached" to your current community?
Well, as a matter of fact, I AM attached to the community here - it's just an attachment that is different and holds a meaning separate and apart from Fort Wayne. I'm hoping this post sheds some light on my involvement and love for the Central Indiana area.
As you can probably guess from reading my blog, I am passionate about the power (and importance) of education. It's been one of the biggest facilitators of positive energy in my life and I would not be who I am today without it.
There is an organization in Indianapolis - Indy Reads. They are embarking on their 2nd Annual Indy Reads 30 Hour "Read A Thon".
You can donate through this link.
You can also make the gift in honor of someone. I chose to do it in honor of my teachers at Indian Village Elementary School and the acknolwedgement will be sent to the current principal, who I hope will share with the current teachers of the school. I want them to know (in case they ever forget) that even decades later, teachers like them absolutely made (and make) a difference in the lives of children.
3 years ago
I can fully understand how you can live in Indy and still feel an affinity for FW. I grew up in Fort Wayne (attended Pleasant Center Elementary, Geyer Jr. High, Miami Jr. High, and graduated from Homestead in 1976), but haven't lived there for 26 years now. I will never live in FW again, as I regard Oak Harbor, WA as home now (I'm only temporarily in PA). But the old Summit City is a GREAT place to be from (the land of WOWO, Franke Park, Powers Hamburgers, and Mister Donut, amongst many other things).
Keep up the TERRIFIC work blogging about the old Summit City! I will go through my old photographs to see if I can find any pictures that you might be looking for. In fact, my grandparents ran a garage in the Hanna-Creighton neighborhood in the '60's (prior to the first redevelopment) and might be able to give you some of those digitally!
I can be reached at
Tony Minich
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